Easter wouldn’t be the same without a trip to Fontainebleau !
Because of the dreadful snow we nearly had a last minute change of destination
with my dad trying to book flights to Mallorca instead.
Me and Celt wanted to go bouldering and to the usual campsite in Fontainebleau ,
even if it was cold (good for friction!). We both got our persuasive skills
out, so we could stick with our original plans and go to Font again. After a
family discussion we made our choice, me and Celt won; we were off to Fontainebleau !
we were out there we went to some bouldering circuits which we all enjoyed and
I surprised myself when I did a problem and nobody else in the family could. We
went to some new circuits that we hadn’t been to before. We went to Gorge du
chat, Bas Cuvier, La Elephant, Apremont, Restant du long Rocher and Franchard
Cuisinere. I was fond of all the circuits we did as they were all different to
each other. On the last day Celt and I did this V5 technical slab, with even
some adults not managing to do it! J I hope we go to Font again next Easter or October
and maybe move on to do some white circuits.
you heard of CAC? It is this new charity that climbers from around the world
are supporting and it stands for Climbers Against Cancer. It was set up by John
Ellison who is a keen climber and is suffering from advanced secondary cancer.
The aim of CAC is to help others in the future by raising awareness and funds
to further research into finally finding a cure for cancer. Each and every
donation goes towards International cancer research charities from each of the
five continents. I decided I wanted to raise money for CAC and help out. So I’m
saying no to electronic gadgets and yes to CAC! My challenge is to go through
the whole month of April without using my electronic gadgets, this
IPod mini
IPod touch
Smart phone
Laptop (except for school work!!!!)
Kindle touch
No computer games, text, emails, face time, Skype, films,
YouTube etc.....etc...
FOR A WHOLE MONTH!!!!!! J So far I have
raised over £300 in sponsor money for CAC!! J
I am
looking forward to the summer holidays as my family and I are going to Canada
for three weeks! We are going Squamish and we are going to be staying in a yurt
which should be a laugh. Out in Canada
we will be bouldering, sport climbing, trad climbing, walking and I am hoping
on joining a summer ski class. I shall keep you guys up to date with my
Canadian adventures!!! J
Tesni Lloyd-Jones (13)
We have just come back from France
bouldering in Fontainebleau and it
was awesome! We like to go to Font every Easter but the snow nearly stopped us
going this year, which would have been horrible as Easter without a trip to
Font is like an Easter without Easter eggs!
I’ve been bouldering in Fontainebleau
since I was 5; I started climbing on the junior circuits which at the time
would have felt really massive and quite hard! Over the years I’ve worked
myself up through the yellow, orange and blue circuits. On this trip we had a
go at the red circuits which shows I’ve improved a bit over the last few years J I
did a V5 technical and thin slab, I kept on working and working on it and it
was really hard!! That’s my hardest boulder problem ever J I also tried ‘Marie Rose’ and ‘Science
Friction’, they are on my ‘got to do’ list. I was one hold away from the top on
Science Friction and on Marie Rose it was just a massive reach for me but I
kept on trying and trying but next year I will get it!!
I am going to Squamish in Canada for 3 weeks in the summer
holidays, I’ve seen some photos of some amazing climbing and bouldering there
and I can’t wait J I hope to see some Bears in Canada but not
when we are bouldering and I want to try some harder routes and boulder
problems and try some trad climbing JJJJ
I hope to get my red point project done before we go to
Canada, Scheherazade is a F7a+, it’s a technical slate slab which I’ve already
top roped clean. I also hope to get some new routes done before the
Celt Lloyd-Jones (10)
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