You'll never be disappointed if you always keep and eye on uncharted territory, where you'll be challenged and growing and having fun.
It's that time time! The last blog was about motivation and was full of random bits of climbing, from The Castle Garden Party to Anston Stones wood. It's hard to believe that was only last month. This year is going so quickly, it will soon be a year ago that we headed off in the van! Ahhhhh...the good old days!
This month has been another mixed bag of stuff. I've been working quite long hours (to the shock of those that know me well!), so by the time mid-week comes around I am normally about ready to crash and burn and I just about make it to a Friday night, which normally involves being in bed by 9.30pm. Such is the rock n roll life style I lead.
Our Saturday's have normally consisted of heading to The Castle Climbing Centre in London. That place is huge and just keep's on growing. So it's great to be able to spend a full day there, climb loads and come out totally beaten at the end!
The highlight of this month I guess was heading up to Malham for a long weekend. It was arranged by a good friend of ours, Scott Haslam (I said I'd give him a shout out!) and we have no idea why Malham was the chosen destination given that none of us have trained for sport routes and the organiser barely puts his climbing shoes on! It turned out to be a crackin weekend, with lots of fun had and just what we needed to get away from it all. I managed to repeat a few routes, but other than that, nothing exciting came from it. I love Malham, its got such a fantastic atmosphere and is a great place to be. I hope to go back next year with more power endurance !
Podey got cold so decided to sleep on me! |
Lovley view of the Malham |
Dibbs on the awesome Yosemite Wall |
Just chillin |
Camplife |
Malham |
We spent two days at Malham and the weather looked to be turning so we decided to head to Almscliff. It was August...really?! Personally I thought we were nuts to be going there but a couple of the guys wanted to get on some of the classic trad routes and I do love being at Almscliff so thought it would be a good day out. As soon as we got there, we headed straight up to Demon Wall Roof, as the rain started to come in and it was super windy. I thought I might as well give it a go, as I always do when I'm there but I've never managed to progress in the last 5 years I've been climbing. Something has just never clicked with me on that problem. However, all of a sudden it went, without too much trouble and I hadn't even warmed up it was a shock. I was stoked - a grit project August?! It just goes to show, as long as your having fun and don't put the pressure on yourself, you will open up a world of possibilites.

I did manage to head back home to Darlington for the Bank Holiday weekend where Lanch put us through out paces at the Lab MMA Gym...the photo's are not flattering - you've been warned!
Push Up's on the rings |
The hardest core exercise I have ever done...fact! |
I am not resting...honest |
Pull up's - yes multiple! |
I am not exaggerating when I say that my cored burned for about 2 days after this session. Its opened my eyes up to how I want to train when I return from Switzerland...ready for the Grit season...I'm getting excited already!!! YES!
The only other thing I've been up to is eating a bit, training a bit and working ALOT. I'm about to crash and burn, especially as I'm writing this quickly on a Sunday evening as I have so much work to do before the morning. JOY!
Bro and I |
In 1 week we shall be back in the van en route to fact by this time we should be there! WHOOP! Although the weather is looking a little too warm, but we have 2 weeks and a van - I am sure we will find something! I've had a few mental battles to deal with over the past few weeks to do with climbing and my confidence. So I have taken the approach to just go out there and see what happens. As long as I have fun - nothing else matters!
Until then, Happy Climbing!
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